
There Are No Limits to Prayer

Prayer is an essential part of our life and we want to join you in the way that is most comfortable for you. Use any of the methods on this page to request prayer. Requests received will be prayed over for thirty days before being sent to Silent Unity for more prayer. If you would like to be added to our public prayer list, please specify that in your request. All prayer requests are kept private and confidential.

About Silent Unity

For more than 130 years, affirmative prayer has been key to the Unity mission. The Unity Prayer Ministry (Silent Unity), prays with people of all faiths around the globe each year. Your prayer request is a sacred honor and trust. All prayer requests are kept private and confidential. You can make a prayer request online or speak with a prayer associate by phone. There is never a charge for prayer.

Chaplain Team

Charlotte LeHecka

Rod Randolph

Anita Shaver

Jodi McKinley

Additional Resources