Young Adult Ministry
Young Adult Ministry
Life After High School
"Young Adult" is an umbrella term that encompasses all ages and experiences from 18-35ish. Most regional or national Unity events will use this age and experience range to include as many as possible in programming.
Students are those actively enrolled in some form of higher education whether that be a trade program all the way through graduate school. Student programs include attending the Ripple Conference at Elon University and opportunities for internships and practicums.
Y.O.U. Alumni are all of those who participated in Youth of Unity at any point during their high school years. Dedicated programming includes Unity in Greensboro's Alumni Education Program and international affinity group, the Y.O.U. Alumni Network.
Multigen (multigenerational) is any programming that intentionally includes representatives from multiple generations. While lots of programs at UIG are inclusive of all generations, our 5th Sunday services involve youth and young adults leading most or all elements of the service. Many of our holiday services and programs are also intentionally multigenerational in leadership. Young adults are consistently encouraged to be in leadership at Unity in Greensboro.
YAM Meetings
YAM (Young Adult Ministry) is a space for people to come and hang out and talk about life.
YAM meets at 10 AM on 2nd Sundays in-person and on Zoom.
Meetings are open to young adults in the 18-25 range.
See "Events & Outings" for YAM social events.
501 S. Mendenhall St. Greensboro, NC 27403
Check in at Room 216
Young adulthood is a transitional time spanning a long period of experiences. Sometimes it can be hard to find a place that feels like a good fit in the moment and also meets scheduling and cost needs. While young adults are always welcome at every Unity in Greensboro event, class, or service, we also offer spaces and programs that are intentionally created to meet the needs of specific age and life experience groups. Our young adult and alumni programs welcome people at any place in their spiritual journey. For more information on what we teach, please visit the About Us tab or email us.
Check out all the programs available to young adults by exploring the tabs to the left or visiting the Calendar.
- Reverend Miranda
Have questions? We have the answers!
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Young adults at Unity in Greensboro currently serve on the Board of Trustees, Staff, Ministerial Team, Music Team, Youth Education Team, and as Interns. Youth may become members with their parent/guardian at any age, and may become voting members as early as high school. By the time most of our youth graduate, they are already involved in Unity in Greensboro outside of youth programming, making it easy for young adults joining for the first time to get involved too.
Unity in Greensboro recognizes the divine in all people. As such, our community includes folks from a variety of racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. We are LGBTQIA+ affirming and have partnered in the past with Guilford Green Foundation and PFLAG for collections, donations, and trainings. We recognize disabilities as a valid part of a person's experience and with advance notice, will do our best with our resources and historic building to accommodate needs.
Yes, Unity in Greensboro values service to the community. We tithe to a different local nonprofit every quarter and collect items throughout the year to provide physical resources requested by different organizations in the area. UIG sponsors Joyner Elementary School and our Community Outreach Team and Youth Programs regularly volunteer in the Triad community. For specific organizations to whom we have contributed, please see the Give page and scroll down.
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