The tagline for our youth programs is "Mindfulness | Service | Leadership." This is because we understand that spiritual teachings should include practical tools that apply to the lived experiences of Generations Z and Alpha. Our Kids' Program, for ages 4-11, is hands-on and engaging, designed for learning through games, crafts, service, and science experiments. For our Teen Program, ages 12-18, it's all about developing skills that support mental health, empathy in action, and leadership training as practices of spirituality. We understand that today's kids and teens have a lot of information to process and many influences competing for their attention. They express themselves through new and creative ways as they work to discover who they are and their place in this world. And you know what, that's okay! Everyone is welcome, accepted, and affirmed here, wherever they are in their journey and however they identify. We strive to lift our youth up and empower them to find the good in themselves and in those around them, to find connection, and to build skills for both spiritual and personal growth.
Unity in Greensboro offers many different youth programs and kids and teens can choose to participate in all or just some of them. Learn more about each program at the links below.
Our Teachings
Five Core Principles:
Spritual Groups Program
501 S. Mendenhall St. Greensboro, NC
Have questions? We have the answers!
All Unity in Greensboro youth programs meet in the UIG Suite on the second floor. Enter from the back parking lot and go upstairs for direct access, or ask an usher to show you how to get there from the main entrance.
Kids and teens should wear clothes that are appropriate for the weather and activities at hand. Sometimes, we go outside and run around or end up on the floor laughing, so clothing should fit those types of situations. On occasion, we participate in special events or services that may require professional attire. Those participating will be reminded ahead of time and we will talk through what professional attire means.
We love having parents/guardians involved! Each semester, we hold a Family Meeting for parents/guardians to know what's going on, what's coming up, and how they can be involved. Parents/guardians are able to join our Snack Superhero Team, support the program through our Amazon Wishlist, and chaperone/photograph events. We host family events throughout the summer to encourage multigenerational activites and each 5th Sunday is Family Sunday, where our youth have the option to take on leadership roles in Sunday Service with their families. Intersted parents/guardians can also volunteer to serve on our Youth Education Team as a Teacher, Classroom Assistant, Sponsor (Teen Program), or event driver/chaperone.
We strive to make all kids feel welcome at UIG, and will make make accommodations to the best of our ability. Please email at least a full week in advance to ensure an adequate amount of time to inform our team and implement any necessary changes. We are located in a historic building, so some accommodations may be limited by our physical space and available resources.
We share a list of dietary restrictions with our Snack Superhero Team to ensure that snacks are safe for all participants.
Absolutely. We believe that God doesn't make mistakes, and so kids and teens of all gender and sexual identities are accepted and affirmed as being exactly who they are supposed to be.
Diversity of all forms is welcome at UIG. We recognize and affirm all racial, ethnic, cultural, gender, sexual, age, and other identities as well as disabilities. We are all here to learn and grow together.
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